System Analyst

Salary: From 300k to 370k RUB gross
Company: SELECTY
Location: RF and worldwide

uml, RESTfull, API design, Database design, soft skills, architectural patterns, distributed systems, technical documentation, system integration

1C Analyst

Salary: From 140k to 170k RUB net
Company: PRO Взгляд
Location: Санкт-Петербург

1C УТ 11, БП 3.0, ЗУП 3.0, business process analysis, technical specifications development

1C Developer Intern

Salary: From 25k RUB gross
Company: Автомакон

DevOps Engineer

Salary: From 250k to 320k RUB net
Company: Sodis Lab
Location: Remote

Linux, DevOps, docker, kubernetes, bash, python, PostgreSQL, Windows Server, Wireguard, Nginx, git, Grafana, Loki, fluent-bit, Terraform, k3s, Rancher, Redis, RabbitMQ, MS SQL

Golang Developer

Salary: From 250k to 350k RUB net
Company: Wanted
Location: Saint Petersburg
Experience: 2 years

Go, PostgreSQL, Kafka, Git, Unix, Linux, HTTP, TCP/IP, UDP, C, IP-telephony, Asterisk, Kamailio, OpenSIPS

Senior Go Developer

Salary: From 350k to 390k RUB net
Company: JETLYN
Location: Russia
Experience: 4 years

Golang, Postgres, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Prometheus, Grafana, microservices architecture, unit testing, k8s, Docker

System Analyst

Salary: Up to 400k RUB gross
Company: Centicore
Experience: 3 years

SQL, REST, SOAP, Message Queues, JSON, XML, UML, BPMN, System Architecture

Senior Python Developer

Salary: Up to 2000 RUB gross
Company: Top Selection
Location: RF
Experience: 5 years

Python, FastAPI, Flask, Pydantic, Pandas, Polars, Numpy, SQLalchemy, PostgreSQL, Gitlab, Alembic, Celery, Redis, Asynchronous Programming, Greenplum

Lead Vue Developer

Salary: From 3500 to 5500 USD gross
Company: V-SOFT
Location: Limassol

Typescript, Javascript, Vue.js, Pinia, Vite, Webpack, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, Docker, CI/CD, Shell, GIT, Jira

Frontend Developer

Salary: Up to 0 EUR gross
Location: Limassol

TypeScript, React, Vue, Adaptive/Cross-browser layout, Mobile first layout, grpc

Java Developer

Salary: Up to 1400 RUB gross
Company: Top Selection
Location: RF
Experience: 2 years

java, spring, spring boot, unit tests, architecture, ci/cd, git, postgresql, linux

SEO Expert

Salary: From 6000 to 10k USD gross
Company: Centerex
Location: Boston
Experience: 4 years

Google Analytics, Ahrefs, Semrush, Google Search Console