Middle Backend Developer

Salary: From 1200 to 1600 USD gross
Company: Jumbo Bee
Experience: 2 years

Laravel, PHP, OOP, PostgreSQL, Swagger/OpenAPI, Docker, RESTful API, Git, Jobs and Queues, AWS, Unit testing

Golang Developer

Salary: From 2000 USD gross
Experience: 3 years

Golang, Mysql, Postgres, MongoDB, Nats, RestApi, RPC, Patterns, Redis, KeyDB, Docker, Kubernetes

Release Manager

Salary: Up to 0 RUB gross
Company: Bank VTB (PJSC)
Location: Moscow
Experience: 2 years

Kubernetes, OpenShift, DevOps, Microservices Architecture, ITSM

QA Engineer

Salary: Up to 250k RUB gross
Company: Innovative People
Location: Nevsky pr.

Selenide, Java, TestNG, JIRA, Confluence, Allure, git, Charles, Fiddler, JSON, XML, Postman, curl, SQL

Senior Fullstack QA Engineer

Salary: Up to 4000 USD gross
Company: Devhunt
Location: worldwide
Experience: 5 years

REST, HTTP/HTTPs, Test design techniques, Blockchain, Fintech, Security testing, Layout testing, Java, Selenium, Selenide, Maven, TestNG, GitLab CI/CD, Gatling

Auto QA Engineer

Salary: Up to 400k RUB gross
Experience: 2 years

Python, PyTest, Requests, CI, API testing, gRPC, GraphQL, REST, Allure, Cerberus, Docker, Git, Bash

Lead JS Full Stack Developer

Salary: Up to 0 USD gross
Company: Gologin.com
Experience: 7 years

React, Jotai, React context, Electron, NodeJS, NestJS, MongoDB, Redis, TypeScript, Webpack, Fastify, ClickHouse

Development Team Lead

Salary: Up to 400k RUB net
Location: Moscow
Experience: 3 years

C#, .NET, TypeScript, JavaScript, Angular, Agile/Scrum, HTTP, REST API, Git, SQL, Design Patterns

iOS Developer

Salary: From 100k to 170k RUB gross
Company: VibeLab
Location: Saint Petersburg
Experience: 1 year

Swift, Swift UI, Combine, Swinject, websocket, UI testing, unit testing

Full Stack Developer

Salary: From 2000 to 3000 USD gross
Experience: 3 years

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Express, SQL, NoSQL, Docker, Git, CI/CD

DevSecOps Engineer

Salary: From 400k to 4M RUB gross

DevSecOps, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Gitlab, semgrep, CodeQL, trivy, OWASP ZAP, SLSA, CIS SSC, Linux, CI/CD pipelines, SAST, Java, JS, TS, .NET

Android Developer

Salary: From 230k to 400k RUB net
Company: КА Selecty
Experience: 3 years

Kotlin, RxJava, Coroutines, Dagger, Retrofit, OkHttp, Android Architecture Components, MVVM, Koin, Graphql, Websocket