Senior DevOps Engineer

Salary: From 4000 to 5000 USD net
Company: B2Broker
Experience: 3 years

Amazon cloud services, AWS, EC2, EKS, RDS, ALB, EFS, ECS, Helm Charts, ArgoCD, Terraform, GitLab CI, Sentry, Grafana Loki, Grafana Tempo, VictoriaMetrics, Grafana, Grafana Agent/Prometheus Agent, AlertManager, Grafana OnCall, Hashicorp Vault

Senior Frontend Developer

Salary: From 3000 to 4000 USD gross
Location: remote
Experience: 6 years

Vue 3, HTML, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, UI libraries, Agile methodologies, JavaScript (ES6+), OOP, MVC, MVVM, DRY, KYSS, git, XHR/fetch, WebSocket, Apollo, HTTP, json/jsonp, xml, Nuxt.js

Senior DevOps Engineer

Salary: From 3500 to 4000 USD gross
Company: Payler
Experience: 4 years

AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, OpenShift, Microservices, Terraform, Ansible, GitlabCI, Linux, kubectl, nginx, SaaS, PaaS, PCI-DSS, GDPR, SOC2, Shell, Python


Salary: From 40k RUB net

PC user

React Native Developer

Salary: Up to 220k RUB gross
Location: Saint Petersburg
Experience: 3 years

React Native, Node.js, TypeScript

Senior QA Engineer (Tech Lead)

Salary: Up to 350k RUB net
Company: HuntIT
Location: remote
Experience: 4 years

frontend testing, backend testing, API tests development, UI tests development, curl/Postman, SQL, Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Graylogs, grafana, portainer, CI/CD, VCS, Issue Trackers, test design techniques, test documentation development, test data preparation, specifications analysis, automation in testing process, JS(TS), PlayWright, Redis, GraphQL, mobile applications

Content Manager

Salary: From 100 USD gross
Company: YUGO TEAM

Content creation, Telegram, Analytics tools

Senior GO Engineer

Salary: Up to 6000 USD gross
Experience: 4 years

Go, Linux, Modular and integration testing, Message brokers, External cache servers, Microservices architecture design, SQL databases, Protobuf, GRPC, CI/CD, SOLID, Design patterns

Linux System Engineer

Salary: From 250k to 350k RUB net
Company: КА "АЙТИКА"
Location: Moscow
Experience: 1 year

Linux, Debian, CentOS, Docker, nginx, haproxy, php-fpm, uwsgi, syslog, postgres/mariadb, redis, systemd, bash, openssl, curl, netcat, Python, Perl, PHP, Lua, C, VMware, Proxmox, OpenStack, libvirt, ansible, git

TeamLead GO Developer

Salary: Up to 7000 USD gross
Experience: 4 years

Golang, Linux, SQL, OpenAPI, Protobuf, GRPC, CI/CD, SOLID principles, Design Patterns, PHP, Docker, Kubernetes

Functional Architect 1C

Salary: From 300k RUB net
Company: Бином
Experience: 6 years

1C, project documentation, system architecture

QA Engineer

Salary: From 270k RUB gross
Company: Maxilect
Location: remote
Experience: 3 years

Java, API (REST), Postman, UI/Backend Testing, Database Queries (Select, join), CI/CD, Version Control (Git), RestAssured