Senior QA Engineer, Team Lead

Salary: From 200k to 240k RUB net
Company: Devquality
Location: Moscow
Experience: 1 year

team management, test documentation, web application testing, client-server architecture, testing processes, UI testing, RESTful API testing, Database testing, microservices, SQL, functional testing, Jira, TestOps, Confluence, Git

Back-end Developer

Salary: From 120k to 200k RUB gross
Company: Репетиторская империя
Experience: 1 year

PHP 8.3, SQL, MySQL, Redis, Node.js

Prompt Engineer

Salary: Up to 0 UAH gross
Company: Statbet
Location: Kyiv

AI, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning

Android Developer

Salary: From 200k to 300k RUB gross
Company: Литрес
Location: Moscow
Experience: 2 years

Kotlin, Java, MVVM, DI, Koin, Kotlin Coroutines, Kotlin Flow, SQLite, ORMLite, Room, okhttp3, retrofit, Kotest, Espresso, Kaspresso

QA Engineer

Salary: From 290k to 369k RUB gross
Company: Selecty
Location: RF
Experience: 3 years

Soap UI, Postman, DBeaver, SqlDbx, Kibana, MongoDB, Confluence, Jira, Oracle, API, REST, Pega, Java, Selenium, Selenide, Ruby, REST, SOAP, SQL, Kibana, Mock, RabbitMQ, Kafka


Salary: Up to 450k RUB net
Company: РА HEAAD
Location: Anywhere
Experience: 5 years

TypeScript, Playwright, Puppeteer, REST API, Docker, K6, GitlabCI/CD, Security Testing, Jest, npm, SQL

Backend Developer

Salary: From 150k to 200k RUB gross
Company: Невасофт
Location: Санкт-Петербург


Full Stack Lead Developer

Salary: From 300k to 350k RUB net
Company: SmartCom
Location: РФ
Experience: 5 years

C#, .NET, SQL, EntityFramework, Ext.JS, MS SQL, Mongo, Data Science, ML (Machine Learning), PySpark, Apache Airflow

System Analyst

Salary: Up to 285k RUB net
Company: Innovative People
Location: Moscow
Experience: 2 years

Forex, Software Development Lifecycle, Software Testing, System Design, Architecture Systems, Integration Methods (SOAP/REST), SQL, Atlassian Jira, Confluence, Requirements Gathering, Database Design, Kubernetes, Kafka, Redis, PostgreSQL

QA Specialist

Salary: Up to 100k RUB net
Company: Sibdev
Experience: 1 year

System Analyst

Salary: From 200k to 400k RUB gross
Company: ПСБ
Location: Moscow
Experience: 2 years


Senior DevOps

Salary: From 20 USD gross
Company: WebGears Services
Experience: 6 years

OpenVPN, wireguard, UDP, socks5, IP VPN, Xray, Cloacking, Monitoring systems, Traffic control