System Analyst

Salary: Up to 320k RUB net
Experience: 2 years


Business Analyst

Salary: Up to 250k RUB gross
Company: РуПост
Location: Moscow
Experience: 3 years

System Analyst

Salary: From 200k to 300k RUB gross
Company: uptrade
Location: Moscow
Experience: 2 years

REST API, JSON, XML, Relational Database Design, SQL

System Business Analyst

Salary: From 300k to 350k RUB net
Company: EasySMS
Location: Moscow
Experience: 4 years

Confluence, Jira, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, Redis, UML, BPMN, UI/UX, Figma, API Rest, SOAP

Senior C++ Developer

Salary: From 450k RUB gross
Experience: 5 years

C++11, STL, REST, HTTP, JSON, POSIX, git, GNU make, ssh, grep, python, std::mutex, std::recursive_mutex, std::lock_guard, std::unique_lock, std::thread, coroutines, Linux, SNMP, NETCONF, awk, sed, rsync, bash, buildroot, libevent, ARM, u-boot, boost coroutines

Lead Analyst

Salary: From 260k to 300k RUB net
Company: Bell integrator
Location: remote
Experience: 3 years

SQL, Big Data, Window Functions, Oracle Query Optimization

Backend Developer

Salary: Up to 0 RUB gross
Company: Purrweb
Location: Omsk
Experience: 1 year

Nest.js, Node.js, Express, GraphQL, REST API, SQL, SOLID, GRASP, OOP, MVC, Typescript, React, ReactNative, Ruby, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, AWS, Google Cloud, Firebase, Next.js, Electron

QA Automation Engineer

Salary: From 250k to 320k RUB gross
Company: ITQuick
Location: Moscow

Python, Selenium Web Driver, Appium, Jira, API, REST, Selenium/Selenide, Cucumber, RestAssured, bash, git

System Analyst

Salary: Up to 0 RUB gross
Company: MIA Dev
Experience: 3 years

BPMN, UML, SQL, SOAP, REST, Functional Testing

DevOps Engineer

Salary: From 180k to 300k RUB net
Company: Aurus
Location: Novosibirsk

Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Windows server, RHEL 7.4, Atlassian Bamboo, Graphite, Graphana, ELK, MSSQL, IBM MQ, Active Directory

Backend Tester

Salary: From 150k to 250k RUB gross
Company: Медиа Технолоджи
Location: Санкт-Петербург

Jest, Postman, REST API, NodeJS, Typescript, NestJS, SSH, Linux, Git, PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka, NATS

Golang Developer

Salary: From 450k to 550k RUB gross
Company: Smartbrain
Location: RF
Experience: 6 years

Go, PostgreSQL, Kafka, ClickHouse, Kubernetes, SQL, NoSQL